ASC-400 Multifunction Calibrator
Our Multifunction Process Calibrator combines all your favorite features such as % error calculation, scaling, leak-testing, and switch calibrating into one multifunction process calibrator.
Our Multifunction Process Calibrator combines all your favorite features such as % error calculation, scaling, leak-testing, and switch calibrating into one multifunction process calibrator.
JofraCal calibration software ensures easy calibration of RTD´s, thermocouples, transmitters, thermo switches, pressure gauges and pressure switches.
Ultra rugged, intrinsically safe, digital test gauge with 0.1% of reading, 0.02% of full scale, or 0.05% of full scale accuracy levels.
The Ametek mA loop calibrator is an economical and easy-to-use calibration device for sourcing and measuring mA signals. Measure and source current to 24 mA and measure voltage to 45 VDC.
Gauge and Transmitter calibration made simple! FastCalXP software allows you to complete a 10 point up and down calibration in less than 3 minutes including printing out a calibration certificate.
Ultra rugged, intrinsically safe, Differential Pressure Gauge with 0.1% of reading accuracy, capable of continuous vacuum measurement.
The RTC series of calibrators provides precision temperature calibration of sensors, whatever the type or format. This is accomplished through an innovative active dual zone heating technology.
The PTC Series matches lab features like, a wide temperature range, high accuracy, stability, and speed with our well-known, long lasting quality into a single industrial calibrator.
The HPC40 Series handheld pressure calibrator is the world's first combined pressure and mA loop calibrator to be fully temperature compensated from -20 to 50°C.
The CTC Series is a fast, time saving, reliable dry block temperature calibrator designed for on-site use.
Accurate enough to replace a deadweight tester. Rugged enough to sit in 3 feet of water. Portable enough to complete calibrations anywhere
The PK II floating ball type pneumatic dead weight tester is engineered to offer user-friendly, safe operation.
The ETC Series is the ideal dry block temperature calibrator when time is the critical factor and the highest accuracy is not a requirement.